
目前显示的是 十月 1, 2017的博文

Spleen and stomach weak people should not eat more fruit Don't too much potassium

Don't too much potassium

Because of this, no wonder more people “click likes” for our nurses due to they are hard work everyday.

For the people with kidney disease, drink milk is good, or soy milk?

physical examination

Does the relapse of kidney transplant severe?

Elimination of protein, treatment of diabetes

Happy birthday to you

For kidney failure patients, you should pay attention the following tips

Taboo of foot bath

Whether patients with kidney disease can work or not ?

Having a cold and kidney disease

How to eliminate occult blood in the urine


What is renal hypertension?

Diet Myth For Renal Cyst Patients

The causes of gout with kidney failure

Diet principles for kidney failure

Primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Heard that eating hormones will get fat! Kidney can not use hormones?

[Popular science] allergic purpura nephritis really so difficult to do it?