Diet principles for kidney failure

Diet principles for kidney failure

For Patients with chronic renal failure , gastrointestinal mucous membrane often went into a state of congestion, erosion, due to stay toxins in the body and blood circulation obstacle factors.if eat hard food, Fried food, often leads to food through blood vessels and cause bleeding in the stomach.
1.have light food,and avoid spicy diet
For uremia and kidney failure patients,gastrointestinal mucous membrane often went into a state of congestion, erosion.If they have pepper,white spirit and like spicy food, then this may aggravate the erosion of gastrointestinal mucous membrane, and thus lead to bleeding of the stomache blood vessels.
2.have enough calories

When limiting protein intake, in order to avoid the shortage of the caloric intake and thus increase production of nitrogenous waste, you can eat more calories to supplement the high and low protein food.Vegetable oil, low protein, starch, sugar,  per day 30-40 calories per kilogram of body weight, in order to prevent weight loss.

