[Popular science] allergic purpura nephritis really so difficult to do it?

[Popular science] allergic purpura nephritis really so difficult to do it?

  henoch-schonlein purpura nephritis itself is not terrible, but diagnose clearly in time, and delay the condition. Thus, miss the best treatment time.
  In the process of chat with the dad of xiaotao, I know, these years, they went to many hospitals. But thanks to the pathogenesis doesn’t be found out, so the doctor focuses on the control rash. So xiaotao’s condition always reoccur, not be treated well.
  henoch-schonlein purpura nephritis, is a common secondary nephropathy. Purpura is systemic small vasculitides causing by immune complexes. Thus induce nephritis. This disease also belongs to immune complex nephritis. Therefore, it is very important to remove the immune complexes, meanwhile, control the infection of inflammation.
  After he comes here, through the detailed examine, his attending doctor gets a clear diagnosis, and then discuss with our experts and make a suitable plan for him. Through 20-day treatment, the protein decreases to 0.14 from 0.38. And he also had spots on his legs and arms, swelling.
  Now these discomforts also disappear. And his dad also becomes very happy. Because his son can go to school eventually.

  Many patients don’t know their condition. Blind treatment wastes much money and vigor, and they don’t get the good effect. The most important is that they don’t diagnose their condition clearly. Only diagnose the pathogenesis clearly, and find out the source of onset, and then give the suitable treatment, they have more chance to be cured.

