For kidney failure patients, you should pay attention the following tips

For kidney failure patients, you should pay attention the following tips

Incidence rate of kidney disease in our country is high, while kidney failure make patients feel tortured, so patients should pay high attention on it and treat it in time. So we need special treatment and adjustment.

  11 risks we should pay attention:
  1, it will damage the patients heart.
  Symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart failure and pericarditis will appear.
  2, swelling
  It will reflect on the patients skin like skin-itching, pigmentation and other skin disease, at the same time, swelling will occur.
  3. Influence patients life equality
  Wastes in patients’body can not be discharged for poor kidney function, then these wastes will stimulate digestive system, so nausea,vomiting and diarrhea appears, which influence the life equality.
  4, Damage bone of patients
  Further influence the hematopoietic function in patients’ body, then causing to symptoms like nausea, gum bleed, epistaxis,etc.
  5,Epistaxis or Gastrointestinal bleeding
  In the early stage of kidney failure, patients will have symptoms like nausea,headache, fatigue and much urination in the night, oliguria appears gradually, swelling and high blood pressure and epistaxis and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  6, psychological problem
  Influenced by long-term kidney disease, kidney function has been damaged seriously, cause to light poisoning symptom. In addition, if patients psychological have problem, symptoms like soliloquies and irritability and so on.
  7, damage nerve system
  Symptoms like Fatigue, headache,forgetfulness,numbness of limbs, even cramp,convulsions and coma appear
  8,chest tightness, shortness of breath, pain in the area before the heart
  Suffering from kidney failure, patients have chest tightness, shortness of breath, also the area before the heart pain and other symptoms, shows that the patients' illness condition has been worse and worse.
  9, Sugar metabolic disorder
  Renal failure patients with moderately elevated blood sugar, this kind of rise and the pathogenesis of diabetes is different, diabetes is inadequate secretion of insulin absolute or relative, and renal failure in patients with high blood sugar is mainly for reduction of cellular sensitivity to insulin .
  10. Protein metabolic disorder
  Nitrogenous waste produced by protein metabolism, due to it can not discharge out of body, so deposition in the body, which cause to increase of blood urea nitrogen. In kidney failure treatment, therefore, are usually limit the intake of protein, for patients with malnutrition and patients with long-term hemodialysis, protein intake limit can be extended a bit, renal failure patients, abnormal serum amino acid content of some certain serum amino acid concentration can be 2 ~ 3 times higher than common person.
  11, fat metabolic abnormalities

  Kidney failure impact on fat metabolism have not too much research, known to the majority of dialysis patients, increased blood triglyceride and free fatty acid level, blood cholesterol and lecithin from normal.

