Taboo of foot bath

Taboo of foot bath

       1, You should not do foot bath when you are in the condition of overeat and hungry, which will accelerate the blood circulation so that it is easy to cause to dizziness.
  2, you should not do foot bath in half an hour of meal, which will influence the supply of blood in stomach.
  3, serious heart disease, low blood pressure patients should pay attention to foot bath, because foot bath with hot water will cause to dilation of blood vessels, blood will flow to surface of body from important organs, which will cause to blood-insufficiency and oxygen-insufficiency of some important organs such as heart and brain. It will increase the rate of disease for patients with heat disease and low blood pressure.
  4, patients with diabetes should pay attention to the temperature of water, this kind of patients can’t feel external temperature as normal person. They can’t feel it, though the temperature is high, so it is easy to cause to scald or even more serious consequence.
  5, patients with barbiers should pay attention, when the illness condition is serious to have vesication, it is not suitable to use hot water, which is easy to cause to inflammation of wound, in addition, people whose feet have inflammation, wound and vesication is not suit to do foot bath.

  6, time should not be too long for old people, 20 minutes before sleeping is ok, ot it will cause to symptoms of sweat and nervous.

