Will transplant get relapse?

Will transplant get relapse? Yes! And different people have different relapse rate!

70 percent of the uremia is cause by the development of glonerulonephritis. While almost all kinds of situation of uremia caused by glonerulonephritis will relapse after the kidney transplant.

How could the relapse happen after costing so much money?

Because the root cause of kidney doesn’t exist in kidney.
For example, if we transplant a normal kidney to a patient’s body, the normal kidney will get kidney disease. On the contrary, if we transplant a “ill kidney” to the body of a normal person, this “ill kidney” will get recovered.
It is obvious that the root cause of the kidney disease doesn’t exist in your kidney, but in your body. Kidney is a kind of hemopathy which involved in immunity and related with the whole body. So, if a kidney disease patient just do the kidney transplant operation, his situation will still be what he used to be.

Does the relapse of kidney transplant severe?

The patients who have done the operation of kidney transplant do not need to be worried too much. The relapse of the condition does not mean the operation is done in vain but means that it will bring your uremia situation back into the stage of nephritis, which also means that go back again the road of nephritis-kidney failure-uremia.

What kind of people will get relapsed after kidney transplant?

FSGS has a high possibility of relapse which can reach to 50%. 40%-50% of the patients who get relapsed will lost the chance of kidney transplant, therefore, this kind of patient is not recommended to do the transplant operation.

IgA also has a high possibility of relapse rate. 80% of the kidney transplant patient will suffer from IgA.

Crescent nephritis. This kind of patient should not receive kidney transplant utill the circulating antibody in your body can’t be detected. At this time the relapse rate will be reduced.

 Lupus nephritis. The relapse rate of this kind can reach to around 35%. One point need to be paid attention to is that lupus patients are easy to get venous or arterial thromboembolism. Before operation, the doctor should check the prothrombin time, anticardiolipir antibody and lupus anticoagulant of the patient .

Anaphylatic purpura nephritis, the relapse rate of which can reach to 75%. The people who have high relapse rate and disease eight to eighteen months before the transplant.

The patients who have active multiple myelom accompanied with bone marrow infiltration and reduced complete blood cells are easy to be effected and get bacteremia. The risk of relapse of this kind of patient can reach to 70% after the operation. As for the high recurrence of kidney transplant, we need try to figure out ways to reduce the it. There are two measures which can be taken. One is take large dose of Cyclosporin A and  the other is make plasma exchange through which Itype antibody of HLA can be removed and the relapse can be avoided successfully. Both ways can be used at the same time.

