Whether patients with kidney disease can work or not ?

Whether patients with kidney disease can work or not ?

Kidney disease as a chronic kidney disease, which is difficult to treat and is easy to repeat, what’s more, the cost of dialysis or kidney transplant is expensive. Treating it do wastes much money, so, whether they can work to reduce the burden on the family or not?
1, For patients with nephritis and nephrotic syndrome patients and cysts without symptoms, the answer is that they can do some easy work.
2, For patients with high creatinine level, high blood pressure and high uric acid, they can only do some easy work and pay attention to test.
3, During disease activity, illness development (such as protein and creatinine rose, cyst rupture, etc.) should immediately stop work, active treatment for the illness.In front of the stage 1 and 2, with reference to this.
4, Patients with acute disease, should achieve treatment, can’t work

Remember: you can return to the workplace, is not to say that can be engaged in labor.Must fully understand the development stages of kidney disease, renal function, adjust working content and intensity in time. 

