what is HBv?

HBV-associated Glomerulonephritis is secondary disease of hepatitis B. Experiences show that routine treatment alone is not enough to manage the disease at all. The latest treatment for HBV-associated Glomerulonephritis is believed to be immunotherapy.
Kidney damage in hepatitis is attributable to the following factors. The hepatitis B can damage kidney tissues and cells directly, thus resulting in impairing kidneys. On the other hand, when hepatitis B virus invades into body, it can stimulate immune system to produce relative antibodies. The hepatitis B antigens combine with antibodies to form immune complexes in blood. The immune complexes can enter kidneys and deposit in blood vessels. To remove them, the body initiates an inflammation which can impair glomeruli.
Immunotherapy is not a single treatment method. The types of immunotherapy used in treating HBV-associated Glomerulonephritis mainly include:
Immune blocking
Immune blocking is designed to suppress the immune inflammatory response effectively and quickly. In this way, it can stop further immune injury to kidney tissues and cells.
Blood purification
Blood purification is used to remove various pathological substances from your body. It includes hemoperfusion, hemofiltration, plasma exchange, etc and each of them can filter one or more than one specific toxins in the blood. For example, plasma exchange has a powerful function in removing immune complexes and antibodies in blood. Hemofiltration focuses on removing the middle sized wastes and toxins from body. These blood purification methods can cooperate well to clear up the immune complexes and hepatitis B virus completely.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
When hepatitis B virus and immune complexes are removed from blood, the trigging factors of kidney damage is eliminated. How about the already impair kidney function?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy plays the vital role in this step. On one hand, it can degrade the immune deposits in kidneys which can not be removed by blood purification. On the other hand, the effective medicine ingredients can activate the regeneration of impaired kidney cells and cells to restore the renal function.
The above are the main types of Immunotherapy in treating HBV-associated Glomerulonephrits.Based on your individual illness condition, more treatment methods may be prescribed by your doctors.

