Urine check

he diagnosis is based on finding uric acid crystals in joints, tissues or body fluids.
Urine check
● A urinalysis is usually performed and will show if uric acid crystals are found in the urine.
● Uric acid and sodium monourate crystals may be observed.
● Although variable, uric acid levels in the urine may be as high as 150-200 mg/dL.
● A disproportionate elevation in serum uric acid levels also can be a diagnostic clue.
Blood check and Renal biopsy
In the early stage, some patients with Uric Acid Nephropathy have slight swelling and high blood pressure, which are indicators of renal damage. But most of them overlook these important symptoms which are not obvious. But if Uric Acid Nephropathy cannot be treated, over time the renal tubules and glomeruli may progress into fibrosis, leading to renal failure at the end. Blood work is done to check on the uric acid levels but is not always abnormal. Kidney function tests and other blood work is also done.
Cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography
The advantage of Cystoscopy is that fasting is not needed and sedation, or anaesthesia (regional or general) is not needed.The disadvantage of Flexible Cystoscopy is that if there is a lesion present which might require removal or biopsy, (sampling) then that may not be possible to be carried out using the flexible cystoscope, and it may be necessary for the patient to return at a later date and have a general anaesthetic in order for the lesion to be removed with a similar rigid instrument.

