The doctor-patient case, we have to do our best

The doctor-patient case, we have to do our best

Patients with life

Through five days treatment and careful nurse, Uncle Chang’s illness condition turns to be better and better now. Look he is playing the harmonica

Curative effect

 Can you find the changes in the patients’ leg. This is a patient with kidney failure, when he just came to our hospital, he had serious anemia and hemachrome is just 29. In addition,he had a weak chest, can’t lie down. Through our Chinese Medicine treatment, swelling disappears, weight also reduced, i believe that as long as he can insist on treating, he would be better and better.


How do you think about Chinese Medicine? Bitter taste or foul odour ? In fact, Chinese medicine has a long history and it is extensive and profound. Today, i will show some treatment based on Chinese medicine!

Doctor and patient’s illness condition turns to be better and better, recently he also has energy to talk with our nurse who always accompanies with him by the side of the bed, now she is trimming the nails for patient.

Li is a patient with PKD, one day, she found her urine is black suddenly, she was scared, her husband persuade his wife to go to hospital to achieve treatment, his wife said that no hospital i can believe, i have treated for many years in many hospitals but my illness condition turns to be worse and worse.

Li came to our hospital for friends’ introduction, then she has blood urine for three days, with serious back pain. Cysts grows showed by B-Ultrasound, the double renal grows up to 25cm, 24hUPr is 2.37g, and the urine color is black. 

