Purpura Nephritis

Purpura Nephritis (also known as Anaphylactoid Purpura Nephritis) is a kidney disease, which occurs when Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) causes kidney damages. Pathological changes of Purpura Nephritis focus on mesangial proliferation, necrosis of focal glomerular capillary loops and formation of crescents. Besides, in mesangial area as well as the surrounding area, deposition of IgA and other immune globulin can be found. Purpura causes great damages to children’s health. It brings huge troubles to both children and parents. Home care as well as timely and proper treatment is important. There are some advices for home care to children suffering purpura nephritis.
Avoid touching Infectious agents, such as pollen, chemical substances, paint, gasoline, and dust mite. Otherwise, the condition would be aggravated.
Children proposing allergic constitution are better not to keep a pet. Fur is another inducement to purpura. For children who has already infected purpura, it is better to leave away from pets.
Lay emphasis on personal hygiene. Wash hands frequently. Bath should be taken in regular time. Clothes and bed sheets need to get frequent change. Avoid unclean melon and fruit, which decreases the risk of catching intestinal parasitic infections.
Reinforce exercises. Exercises build up habitus, which improves immunity. Therefore, the rate of catching infection decreases. Infection decrease contributes to purpura nephritis precaution or discovery.
Pay attention to weather changes. Put more clothes or take off some clothes according to weather changes. Since cold is a risk factor of purpura nephritis, it is better to keep away from inducement of cold. If there happens a cold, take immediate treatment. In addition, it is better to keep a clean and clear living circumstances.
Avoid inoculating vaccine if purpura nephritis has not cured. Vaccine inoculation should be 3-6 months after the recovery. Or it will induce the relapse of the disease.

