【Popularization of science】Kidney bad habits, do you have?

【Popularization of science】Kidney bad habits, do you have?

The kidney's job is to purify the blood. Blood not only carry the body’s needed nutrients, there are also some waste and excess water. Renal medicine expert reminds, some bad diet and lifestyle is very easy to damage the kidneys, need to take the attention of the public.

Don't love to drink water or drink less
kidney is the most main is responsible for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance in the human body, physiological metabolism side by side of waste generated in the urine. Don't love to drink water can't very well help kidney "poison". Drink too much water and the burden will add to the kidney, row out excess water swelling.

Love to eat too much meat, high protein diet
Diet should be light and easy to digest. Don't eat too much protein, high-sodium diet, proper control of salt, protein intake.

Love to drink beer
Beer consumption lead to high uric acid hematic disease, can cause high cholesterol and other metabolic disorders, causing gouty nephropathy. Eat seafood while drinking beer is the most way of kidney damage. If you have already suffered from kidney disease, and a large number of drinking beer, can lead to kidney failure.

Suppresses the urine
Adults usually generated is 1000-2000 ml of urine every 24 hours . Too full bladder will burden much pressure, is bound to damage the kidneys excrete waste metabolic function, make water and metabolic waste in piled up in the human body, causing uremia, cause kidney failure.

Heavy taste, eat too much salt
Salt is an important cause of let kidney burden. 95% of salt in the diet is made up of kidney metabolization, eat too much, the burden of the kidney is aggravating, plus salt in sodium can lead to not easy eduction body water, and further aggravate the burden of the kidney, resulting in decreased renal function.

Some drugs are kidney damage

What need reminds is, gentamycin, streptomycin, aminoglycoside antibiotics such as anti-tuberculosis drugs rifampicin, sulfa drugs, such as contrast agents have different degrees of renal toxicity, should avoid to use. Must be, must be under the guidance of doctors and medical treatment. Try to avoid or reduce the contact with strong renal toxicity of various toxicant.

