Elderly child sunbathing
Elderly child sunbathing
Children should be calcium supplement, the elderly also should calcium supplement. The old and the children are often told, don't just eat calcium, and need every day basking in the sun. So how long is it going to bask every day? The vast majority of people in the sun every day for 10 minutes to 20 minutes, then can get the vitamin D your body needs. Children need less time basking in the sun, while the elderly need more time basking in the sun, but is usually recommended to be controlled within 30 minutes. People living in high altitude and long term low oxygen deficient environments, due to hypoxia itself will increase bone loss , need extend insolation time to 30 minutes to 60 minutes per day. The amount of ultraviolet light in the winter sun will be reduced to 1/6 of the summer, should also appropriately extend the length of basking in the sun.