dialysis patient should be to eat

Dialysis is the common treatment to treat high creatinine. When doing the dialysis what is suitable to eat? Since the dialysis patient has been damaged during dialysis so some food is pretty good to their live. But what is suitable for them to eat?
The experts said the diet rule is: high quality protein, low potassium, low phosphorus. And in daily life the meal should be variable to increase the patients’ appetite.
Some body think that dialysis should keep a low protein diet which is actually wrong. Because of the dialysis some protein has been lost during the dialysis the patient should intake more protein such as 1-1.2g/kg. In the same time patients should intake enough calorie such as 30-35cal/kg. In order to keep the body balance patients should intake more high quality protein such as eggs, fish, milk and beef.
Patients on dialysis should limit the liquid intake. If the patients drink too much the patients may have the chance to get heart failure, high blood pressure and acute pulmonary edema. Some can even cause death. In order to decrease the thirsty feel patients must not drink strong tea or coffee. Add some lemon and mint leaves which can stop the thirsty feel.
So through this passage we can know what is the diet rule of dialysis patients who should pay attention to the scientific rules.
Nowadays nearly one person has chronic kidney disease in ten people. And in that percentage nearly 1% will develop into end stage kidney failure. One one hand the rate of the chronic kidney failure is amazing. On the other hand many people doing the wrong habit and without knowing. The experts appealed that in order to protect your kidney you have to pay attention to these bad habits.
● Keep tonifying kidney without protect the kidney
Tonifying kidney is one of the health care that most people consider and tries to do. Many people think that tonifying kidney is to protect the kidney which is totally wrong. In traditional Chinese medicine kidney is a function concept which including the genital system function, internal secretion function, and function of urinary system. But in modern medicine kidney just refers to the kidney organ. Kidney has the function to remove the toxin in the body and remove the extra water in the body. What is more it has the function to balance the electrolyte concentration, the blood pressure and producing red blood cells. Once the damaged has been done to the kidney it is unrecoverable.
So we should pay more attention to protect the function of the kidney not only the kidney organ.

