Definition of uric acid nephropathy

Definition of uric acid nephropathy
Uric acid nephropathy is a condition of kidney damage that occurs when there is too much uric acid in the body. When the uric acid is too high, crystals can form in the tissues of the body. When this happens in the kidneys, it is called gouty or uric acid nephropathy.
Types of renal diseases induced by uric acid or urate crystal deposition
● Acute uric acid nephropathy (UAN)
Acute UAN: Precipitated by renal tubular obstruction resulting from acute massive elevation of serum uric acid, often owing to cell lysis during induction chemotherapy or radiation; furthermore, crystallization of uric acid or calcium phosphate in renal tubules affects renal function.
● Chronic urate nephropathy
Renal insufficiency attributed to parenchymal damage secondary to medullary urate deposition; effect of hyperuricemia on development and progression of chronic renal disease in humans is largely unknown. Studies in animals have shown an association between hyperuricemia and intrarenal vascular disease
● Uric acid nephrolithiasis
Seen most commonly in patients with underlying hyperuricemia or gout who have abnormally low urine pH owing to low ammonia excretion:Frequency of stone formation increases with increasing serum uric acid levels andurinaryuric acid excretion rates.
As we know, the cause of Uric Acid Nephropathy is high uric acid. However, why patients have high uric acid? And how can it lead to kidney disease?
 Diet and Healthy Condition
Uric acid relates with purines in the diet. If patients intake too much uric acid or they can’t eliminate it timely and clearly, more and more uric acid crystal will occur in the blood.
● Poor Immune System
Because the disorder of immune system, immune complex will do harm to kidneys. Because of the infection by infectious agent in blood, inflammation happens in the wound of cells in blood vessels. In this case, blood vessels are damaged easily. Because of the infections, inflammation will affect the body health with the blood circulation.
Uric acid nephrolithiasis can be caused by any underlying disorder that causes hyperuricosuria. This includes all of the previously mentioned causes of acute uric acid nephropathy, such as malignancy, hypercatabolic states, and the hereditary enzyme deficiencies.
● Uric acid stones develop in 20% of people with gout.
● Acute diarrheal states may increase urinary uric acid concentration through excessive water loss and dehydration, leading to stone formation.

