Common diseases that cause uremia

Common diseases that cause uremia

1, chronic glomerulonephritis due to long-term glomerular lesions continue to damage the kidneys gradually lose their function.

2, renal tubulointerstitial nephritis such as chronic pyelonephritis, repeated bacterial infection caused by fibrosis of the kidneys atrophy, loss of renal function.

3, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, renal damage to the glomeruli, renal function damage, and ultimately lead to renal failure.

4, secondary to systemic diseases such as lupus erythematosus caused by uremia.

5, metabolic diseases such as advanced diabetic nephropathy, due to renal
arteriosclerosis, glomerular basement membrane progressive thickening, so that glomerular filtration function damage. Gout kidney disease can also lead to uremia late.

6, long-term chronic urinary tract obstruction, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy when the normal urine can not be discharged from time to time, resulting in renal pelvis water, if not timely treatment will eventually cause renal dysfunction caused by uremia.

7, congenital diseases such as polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, both sides of the kidney by varying degrees of many functional water sac replaced, with age growth is also deteriorating, and some patients in the twenties that is developed into uremia , The majority of 40-50 years after the development of uremic stage.

