Bread with milk is a healthy and nourishing breakfast for healthy people. However, for people with kidney cysts, they are reminded to keep cautious when they chose food. Well then, can they eat bread?
Bread has become more and more popular among young people and kids. Most of us may have heard that bread products can be the foundation of a healthy low-fat diet, which is good for PKDpatients. In addition, bread can provide much essential nutritions and has a lot of other benefits. But is bread can be consumed by all kidney cysts patients?
Don’t eat too much every meal.
Bread is mainly made of grains, which is limited when the patients’ blood tests show phosphorus or potassium levels are above normal. The products of bread can increase the burden of the kidneys to some extent, so the patients with renal failure should avoid too much bread.
◆ Don’t eat the very soft bread.
The soft bread or snacks usually contain potassium bromate, which is more likely to cause kidney tumor if eating too much. Potassium bromate can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, renal tubular necrosis and many other diseases, so the patient with renal failure had better not choose soft bread.
◆ White bread is more suitable for these patients.
White bread can help lower cardiovascular diseases which are easily caused by kidney disease, and maintain a healthy weight, so the patients with renal failure can prepare some white bread at Christmas and enjoy themselves.
Apples have been known to reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and reduce the risk of cancer. High in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds, an apple a day may really keep the doctor away. Good news for people with kidney disease who already have their share of doctor visits.
This renal diet winner can be paired with the previous good-for-you food, onions, to make a unique Apple Onion Omelet. With versatile apples you can eat them raw, make baked apples, stew apples, make them into apple sauce, or use in a dessert such as apple pie orapple cake. You can also drink them as apple juice or apple cider.
● Cranberries
These tangy, tasty berries are known to protect against bladder infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. In a similar way, cranberries also protect the stomach from ulcer-causing bacteria and protect the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, promoting GI health. Cranberries have also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease.
Cranberry juice and cranberry sauce are the most frequently consumed cranberry products. You can also add dried cranberries to salads or have them as a snack.
● Blueberries
Blueberries are high in antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which give them their blue color, and they are bursting with natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C; manganese, a compound that keeps your bones healthy; and fiber, and may also help protect the brain from some of the effects of aging. Antioxidants in blueberries and other berries have been shown to help slow bone breakdown in rats made to be low in estrogen.
Buy blueberries fresh, frozen or dried, and try them in cereal, topped with whipped topping, in a fruit smoothie or bake blueberry muffins, blueberry cake as blueberry crisp or blueberry pie. You can also drink blueberry juice.
● Strawberries
Strawberries are rich in two types of phenols: anthocyanins and ellagitannins. Anthocyananins are what give strawberries their red color and are powerful antioxidants that help protect body cell structures and prevent oxidative damage. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and a very good source of fiber. They are known to provide heart protection, as well as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory components.
Eat strawberries with cereal, smoothies or salad, slice and serve them fresh or top them with whipped topping. If you’d like a more elaborate dessert, you can make strawberry pudding or sorbet or puree and sweeten them to serve as a dessert topping with angel food or pound cake. They also come in liquid form as strawberry nectar.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. 

