what is the reason ?

Yoga has become a fashionable sport which is very popular in women of all age group . most women doing Yoga is to model body and lost the weight . but do you know that Yoga can prevent chronic nephritis ?
what is the reason ?
Yoga  not only can shape the body but also can do good to the organs.
How does doing yoga doing good to the internal organs and prevent chronic nephritis ?
various  asana yoga posture can have a massage effect on the internal  organs of the body together with the abdominal breathing method can promote the internal organs function and  promote the harmonize circulation  Also doing yoga can calm the nervous system  yoga can not only promote the blood circulation stretching stiff muscles make the joints flexible but also can balance the glands peace the nerve this can eliminate the weakness of the internal organs after working lone time . only the Do not think that only the muscles and bones will be tired . the outside of the  body tired can be relaxed  through your hands massage . www.tcm-kidney.com

