Why kidney stone like to attack office workers?

In most people’s eyes the life of the office workers are regular. Why kidney stone like to attack office workers? There are mainly four reasons for this phenomenon.
Reason 1: no breakfast
Many office workers have a high pace of life and sometimes they go to work without eating breakfast. The breakfast contains 30% energy of the whole day. After a night’s sleep we human need to supply the energy. Long time without breakfast or taking breakfast not regularly can influence the digestive system which can cause the kidney stone.
Reason 3: Too much night activities
There are much night activities for official workers. They would like to go to karaoke or to drink. In the same time drinking too much coffee can also cause kidney stone. People who staying up have a bad habit that is eating in the night and drinking beer and sea food. These food can produce uric acid and purine and these product can increase the rate to get kidney stone.
Reason 3: less exercise and water drinking
Nowadays, the office workers meet much stress and they spent more time in the office. They do not do exercise so the fat will calculate in the body. They busy with work so drink less water or even do not drink water.
The research shows that 50% people with kidney stone like drinking sodas. So the urine volume will decrease and the temperature of the urine will increase.
It is said that a person should drink at least 2500-3000 ml per day. Even you do not feel thirty but your urine’s color turns dark yellow which means that you need to drink more water.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: :doctorbrucefu@outlook.com (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

