Easily Fatigue is the Sign of Diabetes

Whatever you do, you always feel tired and have a habit of staying up late and high fat diet, even slack in our waist, you should be aware of the attack of diabetes.
Because of the lack of insulin and usage of glucose, the energy and calories need to be supplied by protein and fat of the body. The increase consume of fat and calories of the body will cause decomposition enhannegative nitrogen balance. Besides, the loss of water in tissues will lead to the weight loss for diabetes patients, thinner, weak and fatigue. All of these mean that the loss of sugar in the body has got severe. As the consume of the energy needs to be transferred by sugar in the body. If you always feel tired, the protein and fat in the body will participate in the supplement. The production ketone body will accumulate in the body, causing ketoacidosis.
If you feel unreasonably obvious fatigue, which lasts a period of time and can’t be relieved by a good rest, you should go to hospital for further examination. Make preparation for the prevention and treatment of the disease in an early stage.

