what should I include in my exercise program ?

what should I include in my exercise program ?
Every exercise session should include a warm-up a conditioning phase and a cool down . The warm-up helps your body slowly adjust from rest to exercise A warm up reduces the stress on  your heart and muscles slowly increases your breathing circulation and body temperature , it also helps improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness the best warm-up includes stretching range of motion activities , and he beginning of the activity at a low-intensity level . the conditioning phase follows the warm-up During this phase the benefits of exercise are gained and calories and burned . During the conditioning phase you should monitor the intensity of the activity The intensity is how hard you are exercising which can he measured by checking your heard rate
 Over time you can word on increasing the duration of the activity  the duration is how long you exercise during one session  the cool down phase is the last phase of your exercise session  it allow your body to say

