What is immunotherapy?

What is immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy, is to boost the body's immune system to fight off the complicated immunity-related diseases. In other words, it refresh your immune system and utilizes your own immune system to fight kidney disease.
Facts about the immune system
What is immune system? The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease. Diseases may happen when the immune system goes wrong.
Benefits for managing kidney disease
Immunotherapy was researched out and applied in treating kidney disease. This therapy is a systemic treatment system for kidney disease. It consists of several treatment procedures that are interlinked with each other.
Exact diagnosis
No medicine can be offered before making the correct diagnosis. Only offering treatment or medicine by experience will make patients cost more money and time. Therefore, exact diagnosis is the most important and basic step during the treatment. Here the diagnosis not only refers to the kidney disorder, but also the immune system, such as the damage degree of immune system, the deposit position of immune complex and the damage degree caused by the immune complex, etc.
Immune blocking
When immune complex deposits in kidney abnormally, it will cause damage to kidney, so we should use some immunosuppressant to stop and block the further damage to kidney caused by immune complex.
Immune adjustment
Immune adjustment is offered after immune tolerance in order to recover immune system to normal level, so immune complex will not appear again. By improving immune system, the ability of removing infectious agent of human body will also be improved at the same time.
Immune clearance
Immune clearance is to remove and eliminate the immune complex in body via immune clearance ability, which can prevent the illness condition aggravation and relapse effectively.
Immune protection
Immune protection is to prevent kidney disease progressing further after being controlled well. This needs patient have regular check on their body condition in order to take suppressant medicine according to patient individual illness condition. The main aim in this stage is to protect inherent renal cells and kidney tissue by inhibiting the abnormal immune reaction.

