Walking is an ideal way to Relax the kidney patients

A balanced diet also helps your body function efficiently and provides energy to go about your busy day. Eating well and drinking appropriate amounts of water gives your body the chance to build strength and lose fat, which will in turn give you more energy. Sleeping well at night is another great way to care for yourself. Getting plenty of rest gives your body a chance to heal and fight off infection.
Exercise can help you in a variety of ways. If you are overweight and your doctor would like you to lose those extra pounds, exercise is a great way to burn fat. Exercise can also help condition one of the most important muscles in your body, the heart. Besides physical benefits, exercise can also reduce depression and anxiety, as well as improve your psychological well-being.
We propose several recommendations aimed to increase the promotion of physical activity in kidney transplant recipients. we recommend exercise regimens tailored to the needs and resources of the individual. Such an exercise regimen would be based on patients’ clinical status, prior exercise activity, and capability.
Among patients with chronic kidney disease who were followed for an average of 1.3 years, those who walked for exercise were 33% less likely to die and 21% less likely to need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Physical inactivity is common among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The researchers found that the presence of other, or comorbid, conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes was similar between walking and non-walking patients.
For individuals with kidney disease, walking may help prolong life and reduce the risk of needing dialysis or a kidney transplant. That's the conclusion of a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).
Physical inactivity is common among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Che-Yi Chou MD, PhD, Chiz-Tzung Chang, PhD (China Medical University Hospital, in Taiwan) and their colleagues looked to see if an activity as simple as walking might provide benefits to patients. The researchers studied all 6,363 patients with CKD stages 3 to 5 in the CKD program of China Medical University Hospital from June 2003 to May 2013. Patients were an average of 70 years old, and they were followed for an average of 1.3 years.
The researchers found that the presence of other, or comorbid, conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes was similar between walking and non-walking patients.
"We have shown that CKD patients with comorbidities were able to walk if they wanted to, and that walking for exercise is associated with improved patient survival and a lower risk of dialysis," said Dr. Chou. "A minimal amount of walking -- just once a week for less than 30 minutes -- appears to be beneficial, but more frequent and longer walking may provide a more beneficial effect."
It doesn’t get any simpler than walking to maintain or improve overall health. Walking moves large muscle groups repetitively and can be done indoors or outdoors, quickly or slowly. Health experts say that the average person should get around 30 minutes of exercise a day and considering that there are 24 hours in a day, walking for that amount of time can be achieved. Walking is highly recommended because it can help curbcardiovascular conditions, a major health risk for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and those on dialysis.

