Two causes of children nephrotic syndrome

For the children with respiratory tract infections, such as colds, tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, if no timely and effective control is taken for the infection, the nephrotic syndrome can be induced in 1~4 weeks.

Generally speaking, early symptom of infection will appear for the children with nephrotic syndrome and its outstanding characteristic are: high edema, high proteinuria hypercholesterolemia and hypoproteinemia. The age of onset for minimal change nephrotic syndrome is more common in the children of two to six years old. Besides, more boys are attacked by this disease than girls. This disease is extremely easy to relapse and persistent with long course.
The nephrotic syndrome has a long course and easy to be attacked repeatedly so the standard treatment should maintain 1 and half a year to 2 years.
The focuses of nursing after attacked by the disease are: avoiding the cold and a diet of high protein and salt. Besides, strictly limit the activities of children and the clothes should not be covered on the children for a long time. During the treatment, do not reduce or discontinue the medicine intake without the doctor’s advice. Pay attention to the children's urine, if any changes are discovered in the urine color, sent the urine to the hospital for test immediately. 
The illness of nephrotic syndrome is easily to replase especially to children which makes it is difficult to treat. So what is the reason that replase the illness? Today the expert in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will give a lecture about it.
Hormone can only treat the symptoms not the causes
In treating nephrotic syndrome the western medicine can have effect by relieving the symptoms such as the protein urine and the blood urine. But we have to understand that the hormone can only treat or remove the symptoms but can not treat the causes of the symptoms. By stop the losing of the protein urine and the blood urine but can not treat the damaged kidney.
Children are easy to get infection which can worsen the illness
Usually the kidney patient has a low immune system so they get infect easily. Children are in the developing stage and many organs are still not so matural as adults so they are more easily to get infect. What is more the infection can make the illness replase.

