Steps to doing exercise for kidney disease patients

Step 1
Talk to your doctor if you are already suffering from a kidney condition such as kidney disease or kidney stones. With your doctor's consent, approval and personalized advice you can begin an exercise routine that is beneficial for you and your kidneys.
Incorporate yoga into your weekly schedule. Yoga can help the body relax through breathing techniques and stretching. Through meditation, yoga can also help to improve blood pressure benefiting your overall cardiovascular health.
Step 3
Take a Pilates class or purchase a Pilates DVD. Pilates helps to build strength and endurance without vigorous exercise that can compromise an already weakened condition if you are suffering from kidney complications.
Step 4
Take walks at least five days out of the week. Depending on your current condition, daily walks can help to get you started. Start off with slow short distance walks, especially if you have been physically inactive previously. Your walks can get longer and even quicker as your body gets use to the new routine.

