Medullary Sponge Kidney

Many people never have trouble with this disorder. For those that do, infections and stones will need periodic treatment. Medullary sponge kidney in these patients must be treated aggressively until the urine is clear. Proteus infection can lead to the formation of struvite stones and requires aggressive antibacterial therapy.
 Infections should be treated with antibiotics early in order to prevent kidney damage. Stones may need to be surgically removed. Often, removal can be accomplished without an incision but rather by reaching up with instruments through the lower urinary tract to grab the stones. There is also a new method of stone treatment called shock wave lithotripsy. A special machine delivers a focused blast of shock waves that breaks stones into sand so that they will pass out naturally. It is considered reasonably safe and usually effective.The particles can then pass easily through the urinary tract with the flow of urine. Another way to remove stones is to insert a thin tube called a ureteroscope through the urethra and bladder to catch the stone and retrieve it. A person with MSK may be able to prevent more stones from forming through diet changes or taking medicine.
No treatment can get rid of cysts in the affected kidneys. Once a doctor is sure that a person has MSK, treatment focuses on curing existing infection, removing any stones, and preventing future infection and stone formation.
 UTIs. To treat UTIs, the doctor may prescribe a medicine called an antibiotic that kills bacteria. A person with MSK may need to continue taking a low-dose antibiotic to prevent recurrent infections.
There is no cure for medullary sponge kidney. Treatment may include:
Long-term, low-dose antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infections Medications to discourage the formation of kidney stones.
 Dietary changes such as reducing salt, protein, cholesterol and caffeine.
 Avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications, since these drugs can worsen kidney function in people with kidney disease.
A short course of high-dose antibiotics to treat abscesses.
If you have been diagnosed with Medullary Sponge Kidney , we're here to help. Email us: or (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

