kidney disease

In the process of treatment for kidney disease, we are often confused by the questions like: why there are no effctive medicines for the kidney disease? What causes the relapse of kidney disease? And the final result of kidney is due to uraemia? For the first question,the fact is that the definitive pathogeny is mot cleat so far,that is, nobody can tell you the root cause of kidney disease. Since there is no effctive medicine for the disease, the cure for the disease is certainly impossible. If the disease is cured,it must be accidental. Therefore, on this basis it is not hard to understand why kidney disease often relapses. After all the kidney disease is not cured completely and its relapse is natural and which have explained the root reason why kidney disease often reoccurs. As for the question whether all the kidney disease patients will progress into uraemia or not ,our answer is that:if the kidney diseases develop into the chronic ones and without exceptional reasons,they are destined to become uraemia. The only difference is the time it takes.
Up till the present moment, you may get a general idea about the kidney disease,its current situation is:the root cause of kidney disease is not clear;there is no effective medcine;the reason why kidney ofen relapses is uncertain;the final stage of kidney disease is uraemia; and there is no hospital which can cure the kidney disease. In spite of the depressing present situation, we should not be optimistic. Though we can not cure kidney disease completely, we have methods to prevent it from worsening and in some cases kidney disease will not affect the nomal life of the patients.
The following passage is going to give you a rough picture about the brand-new kidney disease therapy ,the characteristic therapy in our hospital.
The characteristic therapy in our hospital.
The therapeutic method for kidney disease is to treat the disease from the blood instead of the kidney itself. That is, to treat kidney disease from the patients' unhealthy blood contaminated with toxic and harmful wastes rather than starting from repairing the renal lesions. And this special method is called clear blood pollution therapy. This therapy is specialized in removing the toxin and harmful substance on vascular walls and blood vessels so as to effectively restore original hematopoietic and blood circulation mechanism of the patients so as to cure kidney disease.
Why do we treat the disease starting from the polluted blood?
From the september 2012, after many years’ clinical tests and investagations,the experts group in our hospital discover that the fundermental reason for lingering kidney disease is the blood circulating in the body that is heavily contaminated,that is,it is the polluted blood which flows through kidney that leads to a series of kidney damage. The fundamental reason is the highly polluted blood which flows through the kidney and causes a series of pathologic changes such as renal fibrosis, kidney lesions ,the damaged renal inherent cells,the damaged immune system of human body and so on..
With this we understand eventually that it is the contaminated blood that damages the organs and makes kidney disease lingering. We can imagine that the palce where the polluted blood flows through would get infected and damaged. This kind of blood will not only do harm to normal blood circulation system,but also damage normal clotting mechanisms and haematogenous mechanism as well as secretory mechanisms and compensatory mechanisms. With this theoretical breakthrough, we find out a set of effective treatment methods in clinical at last.
Three processes of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy in treating kidney disease
In order to treat the kidney disease effectively ,the procedure of kidney treatment is divided into 3 parts:
1. Combined therapy of blood purification.
The key point of this part is to make use the method of stasis elimination and poison cleaning. Through this method, the stasis adhering to the vessel wall and the toxic and harmful substances stuck in the blood will be cleaned up comprehensively.
The core method is the technique of removing blood stasis jointly, the characteristic is to take different cleaning measures according to different degrees of blood contamination.
The latest innovation during the course of blood purifying is, we innovate the method of blood purifying and poison cleaning.
2. Elements supplementation.
The key point of this
part is the proper supplement of all kinds of elements in short and to use reparative medicines effectively after analyzing the damage degrees of blood cells,coagulation hematopoietic system,secretion mechanism and metabolic mechanism. The course can ensure the blood cells to live and grow effectively and physiological mechanism functions properly.
To make sure all kinds of blood cells can exist and grow effectively and restore the normal operation of the physiological mechanism. During this procedure, the most wonderful innovation of this therapy is creating a new advanced technology for clearing the unhealthy blood as well as supplementing essential elements.
3.Function rebuilding (the process of renewing).
To recover the function of kidney through the self-healing of body under the circumstances of keeping the blood circulation system and physiological mechanism operating normally and chronically is the focal point of this part.
In the course,the main task is to guarantee the blood avoid being contaminated and normal operating mechanism without being damaged . As a result, the good environment is provided to the damaged kidney and kidney cels.
This is a long process, so the doctors and the patients should make good preparation.
Five features of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy
1.Clear treating direction

The emphasis is to remedy the highly-contaminated blood,the direction is to rebuilt the physiological mechanism and hematopoietic system, and the aim is to recover the function of kidney
2.Flexible treating plan
The doctors’ task is to observe the changes in the blood,according to which they change the plan in time.
3. Various treating methods
During the therapeutic process, we use both the blood purification methods and the blood activation methods; both the stasis removing technology and the blood elements regulating technology, both the purification technology and the elements supplementing technology; both the toxin-elimination method and the drug combination, both the Chinese medical technology and the western medical technology.
4. Original creation of brand-new technology
The therapy is significantly characterized in the innovation of drugs combination during the process of blood purification, which has also been proved to be effective in the clinical practice.
5.High recovery rate
During the process of the kidney disease treatment, we do not stress the clinical cure, and the recovery of lesions either,let alone the disappearance of clinical symptoms. Instead,we aim to rebuild the hematopoietic system and blood coagulation mechanism. And this is highly honored as "the real fundamental therapy" by lots of patients.

