Infections of the urinary tract

When the children is diagnosed with kidney diseases,the parents often feel confused why their children will get such a disease and then they may wonder what they could have done to prevent it. At that time, focusing on what can be done, such as getting proper treatment, following doctor’s advice, working with your child’s healthcare team and learning all you can about the disease are the best ways to help your child after the diagnosis.
Below are details about some of the common causes of kidney disease in children and the popular treatments. Children’s kidney problems typically stem from one of the following:
§ Birth defects and blockages
§ Infections of the urinary tract
§ Diseases of the kidney itself
§ Hereditary diseases
Birth defects and blockages
In most cases, children with kidney disease are born with problems in their urinary tract. Some children are born with a condition that causes the urethra to narrow or become blocked (posterior urethral valve obstruction). This prevents urine from leaving the body. Surgery is usually done to clear the blockage. Long-term treatment may include medication and additional surgery, if necessary.
Infections of the urinary tract
An infant or child develops a urinary tract infection (UTI) when bacteria get into the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains no bacteria, but sometimes bacteria from the skin around the genitals and rectum travel into the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are usually easy to diagnose in older children and adults. Symptoms include frequent, painful urination and urine that appears cloudy or bloody. If the UTI involves the kidneys, fever and back pain may also occur.
It is more difficult to diagnose a UTI in an infant or toddler. They may exhibit symptoms such as being cranky or weighing less than expected for their age. Sometimes an infant with a UTI will throw up or have loose bowel movements. Youngsters may experience abdominal pain, run low-grade fevers or wet the bed.
Diseases of the kidney itself: nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome usually occurs in children aged 6 months to 5 years, although, it can occur in people of any age. Boys are two times more likely to suffer from nephrotic syndrome than girls. Nephrotic syndrome occurs when the kidneys are diseased and unable to keep protein from leaking into the urine. It often appears for the first time after a child has had a cold or infection.
The cause of nephrotic syndrome is unknown. Many researchers are working to determine its cause and develop treatments. Today, nephrotic syndrome is typically treated with prednisone, and most children improve with its use. Sometimes doctors prescribe immunosuppressive medications. Whichever medication your doctor chooses, your child will be monitored closely and get periodic blood tests.
Hereditary diseases
In polycystic kidney disease (PKD), children inherit defective genes that cause the kidneys to develop many cysts, sacs of fluid that replace healthy tissue and keep the kidneys from doing their job. In Alport syndrome, the defective gene that causes kidney disease may also cause hearing or vision loss.

