how to prevent the high morbidity of nephritis?

Overwork easily causes a low immunity, bacterial and viral infection and leads to acute glomerulonephritis. So the people with a stressful work should pay attention to work and rest and once the symptoms of disease such as cold, fever appear, a timely treatment should be taken.
So how to prevent the high morbidity of nephritis?
70% of the Nephritis Attack is Related to Overwork
According to clinical study, 70% of the nephritis attack is related to overwork. When people are in a state of fatigue with nervous work or spirit, they will have a low resistance, which will cause the infection and cause the acute glomerulonephritis. And the patients will have the symptoms of dizzy feelings, eyelid or lower limbs edema, lumbago and bubbles in the urine. However, many people treat these things lightly and they think these symptoms are caused by tiredness, so an appropriate rest is enough to improve these symptoms. But they are wrong, it is late when you have the serious edema, hematuresis and hypertension.
What we should notice is that, our body often be attacked by acute nephritis after 1-2 week of cough, pharyngalgia or upper respiratory tract infection. But different patients have different symptoms with different degree in the early period, so these symptoms often been ignored. Besides, there are no so obvious and typical symptoms for the nephritis in the early period so it is easy for them to ignore these symptoms.
Make a Regular Work and Rest and Take Timely Treatment for the Cold
Nowadays, the people all lead a busy and tense life, so it is easy for them to be attack by the acute nephritis. If we have cold, we need take a timely rest and treatment. Besides, supply enough nutrition and take exercise to improve self-immunity and keep a good life habit. It is necessary to take regular checks.
When you have these symptoms, such as lumbago, much bubbles in the urine without disappearing for a long time, hematurisis, increased urine volume at night, decreased urine volume, much loss of urine protein, eyelid or lower limbs edema, dizzy feeling and so on, which may be the symptoms because of abnormal kidney function. At that time, a timely and proper treatment should be taken to avoid the exacerbation of disease.
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