How to Nurse Your Body with TCMHow to Nurse Your Body with TCM

Generally, people drink less than 8 cups of water every day according to the normal quantity. On the contrary, most people like to eat spicy things which will make people get inflamed easily. If you suffer from excessive internal heat and don’t know how to do with it, now follow me to have a look!
1. Heart fire
Symptoms: bitter taste, red dots on tongue tip, weakness of the spleen and the stomach
Treatment: lotus plumule porridge or dink lotus plumule with antrodia camphorate flour, Zhizijinhua pills for severe ones
2. Liver fire
Symptoms: bitter taste, gum in the eyes, blurred vision, muscae volitantes, blood pressure increment, pain with costal, etc.
Treatment: drink Mun Medlar Tea, added feather cockscomb 20-25g for dry shit ones (dry, not burnt)
3. Spleen fire
Symptoms: sweat and mucilaginous taste, furred tongue with yellow fur, first dry then soft shit, weakness
Treatment: Chinese yam porridge, spleen pills for severe ones
4. Lung fire
Symptoms: furuncle on face, peppery taste
Treatment: drink water with Chinese Data and adenophora stricta, Qingfeiyihuo pills for severe ones
5. Syndrome of hyperactivity of fire due to deficiency of kidney yin
Symptoms: tinnitus, night sweat, weakness, ringing in the head, furred tongue on root of the tongue, dry taste, dry shit and dryness-heat with hands and feet
Treatment: Zhibai dihuang pills
6.Stomach fire
Symptoms: ozostomia, dry shit
Treatment: Niuhuangqingwei pills

