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what is the test ?
24-hour urine protein measures the amount of protein released in urine over a 24 hour period . It plays an important role in diagnosing kidney problem . In normal condition, only  a small amount of  protein (40-80)milligram leak into urine  as most of the protein  are preserved in blood owing  to glomerular filtration membrane .  By  measuring the exact most of protein in urine we can know clearly if there is kidney  problem .
How is the test done ?
For a 24-hour urine collection , all of the most of urine that you pass over  a 24 hour time period must be collected . if  you are in the hospital a healthcare worker will collect your urine . You will receive a special  container to collect the sample in if you are doing the collection at home the following are directions for collecting a 24-hour  urine sample while at home 
In the morning scheduled to begin the urine collection , urinate in the toilet  and flush away the first urine you pass . Write Down the date and time . that is the start time and  date for the collection . Collection all urine you pass day and night for 24 hours . Use the container given to you and to collect the urine  Avoid using other containers The urine sample  must including the last urine that you pass 24 hours after starting collection Do not allow toilet paper  stool or anything  else  to be added  to the urine sample . write down the date and time that the last sample is collected . the urine  urine sample may need to be kept  cooling during the 24-hours collection period if so keep the closed container in a pan on ice .do not put ice the container with the urine 
What are normal results for this test ?
Laboratory test results may very depending the 24-hour on your age gender  health history the method user foe the test and many other factors . if you are different from the results suggested below that not mean you have kidney disease contact your healthcare worker if you have any questions.  The following are considered to be normal results for this test what should you prepare for the 24-Hour urine protein
Test? your doctor will tell you How to prepare   You may have no stop medicine  can interfere with  the test results  others factors can also interfere

