Diet Principles for Patients with Kidney Disease

For the patients with kidney problems they should eat foods according to the following principles.
Five Lows and one High: Low potassium, low phosphorus, low fat, low salt, low protein, high vitamin.
1 Low potassium
Foods with high potassium: all the edible mushrooms, potato, banana, orange, peach, spinage.
2 Low salt
For the patients with unstable high blood pressure and the patient with serious edema, they should take less than 3g salt per day.
3 Low phosphorus
Foods with high phosphorus: seafood and sea plant, such as, kelp, nori, sesame, tea, honey, yolk.
4 Low fat
Use plant oil for cooking, it is best to use the corn oil. Do not eat greasy food.
5 Low protein with high quality
You can eat egg white, milk and lean meat, but the quantity should be controlled under 2g per day. Do not eat plant protein, such as, all the bean foods. Do not eat nuts.
6 high vitamin
Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as, pear, apple, cucumber, tomato and so on.
Attention: do not eat spicy foods(raw shallot, ginger, garlic); avoid cigarette and liquor.
When you have little urine, the volume of water intake should be less than the last day urine volume.
If you have any questions, leave a message on our website or communicate with our online service.

