IgA Nephropathy

Definition of IgA nephropathy
IgA nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune diseases which indicates the glomerular mesangial area focusing on the deposition of IgA or IgA, probably existing other immune globulins in glomerular mesangial area. The disease is divided into two catogories, namely primary IgA nephropathy and secondary IgA nephropathy. The primary one is caused by the kidney itself. The secondary one is caused by other diseases, such as purpura nephritis, familial IgA nephropathy and so on.
Causes of IgA nephropathy
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that plays a key role in your immune system by attacking invading pathogens and fighting infections. But in IgA nephropathy, this antibody collects in the glomeruli, causing inflammation (glomerulonephritis) and gradually affecting their filtering ability. Researchers don't know exactly what causes IgA deposits in the kidneys, but these conditions or factors may be associated with the development of IgA nephropathy:
Genes, because IgA nephropathy is more common in some families and in certain ethnic groups.
Liver diseases, including cirrhosis, a condition in which scar tissue replaces normal tissue within the liver, and chronic hepatitis B and C infections
Celiac disease, a digestive condition triggered by eating gluten, a protein found in most grains.
Dermatitis herpetiformis, an itchy, blistering skin disease that stems from gluten intolerance.
Infections, including HIV infection and some bacterial infections.
There's no cure for IgA nephropathy and no definitive way of knowing what course the disease will take. Some people experience complete remission and others live normal lives with low-grade blood or protein in their urine (hematuria or proteinuria). Treatment with a number of medications can slow the progress of the disease and help you manage symptoms such as high blood pressure, protein in the urine (proteinuria), and swelling (edema) in your hands and feet.
● Immunosuppressants
Corticosteroid medications, such as prednisone, and other potent drugs that suppress the immune response (immunosuppressants) may be used to help protect your kidney function. But these drugs can cause a range of serious side effects, such as high blood pressure or high blood sugar, so their benefits must be carefully weighed against the risks. The ultimate goal is to avoid the need for kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation. But in more advanced cases, dialysis or transplant may be necessary.
● Treatment in our hospital
Being different from the traditional treatments which often focus on the elimination of some symptoms such as protein in urine and blood in urine, the proper treatment starts from the very cause of the IgA nephropathy, which means the proper treatment works on repairing the glomerular capillary and mesangial cells in the kidney.
The treatment method is a combined treatment which integrates Chinese and western therapy and makes Chinese medicine as the main therapy. The four steps of the treatment are enlargement of blood vessel, anti-inflammatory, anti-freezing and elimination of harmful substance. In order to enhance the efficacy of the treatment, some other therapies are developed, among which the best and the most advanced therapy is called Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy which work on the blockage of renal fibrosis.


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