blood urine

Acute nephritis as an immune response after infection, usually occurs secondarily to the upper respiratory tract infection or the skin streptococcus infection. Of course, the prognosis of most acute nephritis patients is good without any sequel. But if the early treatment is not proper, or for some serious cases, the acute nephritis can turn to chronic nephritis or kidney failure, even endanger the baby's lif
In the 1 to 4 weeks before the acute nephritis attack, the patients often have the infection of acute amygdalitis and skin pustule and have the symptoms of low fever, feeling dizzy, nausea, emesis and loss of appetite. The characters of this disease are edema and oliguria and the edema initially appears from the eyelid and then spreads to the whole body. No sunken when you press the swelling parts, the urine volume decreases obviously even no urine and in about 1 to 2 weeks, the edema will fade away gradually
For most children patients, their cannot be seen by the naked eyes and the colors of blood urine are bright red like the meat-washing water color or the color of strong tea. For the blood urine, which can be seen by the naked eyes, it will disappear in1-2 weeks.
For the children with high BP, they have the symptoms of nausea, emesis, feeling dizzy and if the blood pressure increases suddenly, there will be many serious complications. In early period of disease attack, the children will have the symptoms of obvious decrease of urine volume, aggravation of edema, polypnea, increased heart rate, restless which will aggravate the disease. If the children have the symptoms of dyspnea, pale face, cold limbs, frequent cough with pink phlegm like foam which means the children have the heart failure.
If the children have the symptoms of serious dizzy feeling, nausea, emesis, or the serious symptoms of convulsion and coma, which means the children are being attacked by the high Bp encephalopathy. Besides, some serious patients will be attacked the acute kidney function recession. 
So if the children have the disease history of amygdalitis or skin purulent infection and have the symptoms of edema and oliguria, they should take timely treatment in one standard kidney disease hospital.
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