Do You Know the Implication of These Symptoms?

1 Dizziness
Normally, one person will not have the symptom of dizziness and when the dizziness appears, which will imply some unhealthy factors of our body.
So what problems will it imply? The first answer coming into our mind should be hypoxic-ischemic. Yes, you are right!
The common diseases implied by dizziness:
Cervical spondylosis, hypertension, diabetes, hypoglycemia and some cardiovascular diseases.
If you often have these symptoms, you need to check your blood glucose, blood pressure, cervical vertebra and electrocardiogram to find the reason and get a timely treatment.
One morning, when I woke up, I found my eyelid edematous. I did not pay great attention to this, because I thought it is caused by lack of sleep or drinking too much water.
But if the eyelid is so edematous that I cannot open my eyes, besides, my legs are also edematous, then what is the reason?
There is one kind of edema, which is called ‘concave edema’. That is to say, when you press your edematous place, a pit will appear and the skin will not bounce at once. Normally, there are two reasons for this edema, one is the plasma-albumin and the other is the retention of water and sodium.
The diseases under edema: hepatopathy, kidney disease, diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases.
Measures: If the edema appears for a long time and does not have any improvement, you should take some checks: kidney function check, liver function check, electrolyte, blood routine examination and routine urine check to confirm the reason.
3 Frequent urine with light color
If the color of urine is reddish yellow with a heavy smell, which normally be regarded as the early performance of inflammation. Facing this symptom, most people will treat it by drinking a lot of water. But if the urine looks like the water?
We know that, the urine is to excrete the wastes in our body, so the normal urine should be yellowish and clear with slight smell. So if the urine looks like water, which is not a good thing. At such situation, not only you will have frequent urination but also it means that you kidney function of expelling of toxin is decreasing.
Disease under a frequent urine with light color: kidney disease
Measure: take checks in nephrology department
Nausea and Retch
Have you ever had the feeling of nausea and retch even when you are brushing teeth?
Nausea and retch always upset the people and sometimes lead to the loss of appetite. Many people who have these symptoms think that they are caused by chronic pharyngitis, but sometimes it is helpless to take medicines.
Diseases under nausea and retch: chronic pharyngitis, chronic gastritis, chronic kidney failure, hypertension and so on.
Do not treat these symptoms lightly and do not ignore them, especially for the nausea and retch caused by high serum creatinine, a timely and proper treatment should be taken and no delay.

