How to protect diabetes

Keeping corn’s stigma while cooking corn that can protect diabetes
Many white-collar workers like to cook a corn for breakfast in the morning. Because it's delicious and convenient. In fact, It's a good eating habit, because it can increase your bowel’s peristalsis. And if you can keep the stigma when you cook it, you can prevent diabetes. Now people eat too fine, the incidence of diabetes is getting higher and higher, the corn’s stigma has a good hypoglycemic effect, boiling into corn to eat can prevent diabetes. In addition, there is a small secret to cooking soup in the summer, which is to put a few pieces of dried plum stalks in the vegetable soup, both appetizing and relieving summer heat.
What is the amount of water for a kidney person?
The amount of urine of normal day is usually 1000 - 2000 ml every day, acute nephritis, acute renal failure and oliguria , nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure patients with oliguria and edema, so they must control the amount of water. The water retention in the body can aggravate the edema in the body, and it can also aggravate the high blood pressure, which is appropriate for the amount of water added to 500 ml. After the amount of urine increased, the water supply can be relaxed. Patinents with urine intake have no limits. In addition, urinary tract infection patients, such as acute pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc., in addition to timely treatment, medication, drinking more water, more urination, is very beneficial to the rehabilitation of the disease.
Can patients with polycystic kidney drink alcohol?
In patients with polycystic kidney disease, drinking is equal to chronic suicide .alcohol drinking is a big stimulus for kidney, it stimulates the activity of polycystic protein and causes the secretion of the fluid in the cyst to be too fast , thus causing the growth rate of the cyst to increase. So the patient must stop drinking. And drinking for a long time can make the function of platelet in disorder and also lead to anemia, etc., at the same time, it can also lead to the absorption of intestines and stomach to be bad, and the nutrition of the body will lack. It will affect the body’s lack of vitamin b1,b2 and folic acid, vitamin b6 discharge increases; It can also lead to hyperlipemia, atherosclerosis and so on.

